Saturday, 28 March 2015

Rimmle London Match Perfection 2-in1 Concealer and Highlighter in 010 Ivory

Hello guys!

Welcome back to this weeks blog post!

So this week I want to talk about a concealer I have been using as you can tell by the title. Now I chose this concealer because it is part of the same line I currently use for foundation and I felt it would be good to see how this works. now this product does claim 'skin tone adapting concealer' which I am 50/50 about because in certain lights it does look like a perfecrt match and others it doesn't.

Any way, whenever I have got a concealer before, they have the applicator that you would normaly find lipgloss has, but this one does not.
To use this product, you have to squeeze the bottom/ the tube in general until product comes out of the top. I personaly do not like this becuase I feel there is a lot of product waste becuase it just sits in the brush like area at the top. I have also found this product doesn't seen to last to long, i have only had mine for a month maybe and I personally don't have to use a lot at all and I feel as if I am almost out of this product. Fair enough the product is 0.23 fl oz - 7ml but I still want a concealer that is pretty cheap that will last me a good amount of time.
(Not my picture - my product ran out and I accidently threw that packaging out)

Now with that being said the coverage this product has is not too bad, it's good for a naturel skin look but for the highlighting purpose I am not entierly sure because I have never used this as a highlighter, but I would not recomend using this product if you have really bad skin just incase it brings out all the imperfections you want to hide.

This product is very easy to blend though and is very light. It is a liquid consistanty aswell.

Overall I do like to use this concealer but only on promblem areas that are not to bad because I don't like layering too much on my face - less is more - but this product is easy to blend, is light, matches pretty well and it is just all round a good concealer for people that are either starting out with make-up or even for people that don't really need make-up but still want a little coverage.

I hope you guys liked this blog post and I will be back next Saturday for another 'review'. Thank you for reading. 


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