Monday 23 November 2015

Diabetes Awareness Month

My name is Beccii, and I am a type one diabetic. I have been diagnosed with this 'disease' for 10 years, and it's a struggle. I have had good times and bad times and everything in between. It's hard.

When I was fist diagnosed, it was a week or so before my 8th birthday. We had everything planned out, all the food bought, everything. A relative and my mother both realised I was losing weight rapidly, I was a chubby child, I was constantly thirsty and always needing to pee. We didn't think anything of it. Prior to this I had tonsillitis twice and laryngitis once - which we think could have been the trigger. I went to my doctors, had to do a few tests and he told me I needed to go to hospital right now. I didn't understand, I was scared I was only 7.

That's where it all started. Throughout my 10 years of being a type 1 I have learnt a lot. I have had different methods of taking my insulin such as syringes, pens and insulin pumps. But it hasn't gone smoothly. I struggled with depression because of my diabetes and because other things in my life which I still find hard to comprehend.

The reason I am writing this post is because November is Diabetes awareness month and I personally feel a lot of people are un-educated with this or just simply don't understand what this illness is or what it entails. I am not saying every person who has diabetes is the same and has suffered the same as I have but this is a summary of my life as a diabetic and I do manage it better now.

If you know any one who is freshly diagnosed or has been diagnosed with it for years, sometimes just asking how they are coping is a good thing, I still have my down days and times that I feel that I can't do this any more, where I wish I could have just one day to be normal and not have to prick my finger to check my bloods, figure out how many carbohydrates are in everything and I mean everything I eat and not being able to eat because I don't know the carbs, just one day when I don't have to worry about keeping myself alive basically.

Thank you for reading this, I hope this has helped some one out in some sense and I will be back to do my make-up/product reviews again very soon. xo

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