Wednesday 27 April 2016

Diabetes, a little story

Hello everyone, this post is going to be about living with diabetes and how it can suck at times. Now I am not going to share my full experience with being a type one diabetic in this post as I want to do a seperate one for that in the future but I really do want to share how it can really suck sometimes and some day to day struggles I personally have.

A very quick disclaimer, not every single person with type one diabetes will feel the same, or go through the same or be affected by things the exact same way, it can be different for each person so just keep that in mind.

Okay, so I have been diagnosed a Type One Diabetic for 10 almost 11 years (so since 2005) and throughout this time I have been through a lot and had many struggles. For a start, this may be a little TMI but every female has a period and my sugars are ridiculous when I am on my period, especially for the first few days, which makes having your period a lot more annoying and all that junk then usual. Something else I struggle with is I suppose you could call it depression with diabetes. The reason I have worded it the way I have is because I haven't actually been diagnosed with depression so I am not going to say I have it. But there have been many times I have not wanted to be a diabetic any more, I have refused to take care of myself properly, I refused to do insulin for everything I ate, test my sugars at all and even go to my clinic meetings to see my specialist nurses. I almost died because of this. After not looking after myself a this section in my life I ended up in hospital for DKA, which stands for Diabetic ketoacidosis. 

This is the definition :

Potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes caused by a lack of insulin in the body. It occurs when the body is unable to use blood sugar (glucose) because there isn't enough insulin. Instead, it breaks down fat as an alternative source of fuel.

I got admited to hospital for 3 days, I couldn't keep any liquids down and I was so weak. Throwing up stomach acid and falling straight back to sleep is not a very fun combination. I am saying this because it is a horrible thing to go through and I almost ended up in a diabetic coma because of my actions. Now in all honesty I was going through a lot of other things in my life when this happened with family and being bullied so I was feeling very low and not at all in a positive way or mindset.

Ever since this has happened I have been trying my hardest to keep on top of my diabetes so I don't end up in that position again and I hope this helps some diabetics out there realise you're not alone and people have been through similar to you. I just want to make people aware of this. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I am sorry I haven't posted in a while, ; life has been a bit rough. 

Beccii xoxo

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