Tuesday 3 May 2016

A tough few weeks - Diabetes blog

Hi guys, firstly I think I am going to be posting when ever I feel the need to write instead of setting myself a date as I have found it hard to keep that recently.

ANYWAY on to today's topic, this is a bit more of a personal blog post but I want to start making diabetes blogs for people struggling with diabetes. These past few weeks have been tough for me, I have been running constant highs with only a few in the green zone and very minimal hypo's. This has been a scary experience for me as if you have read my last post you know I have been in hospital for DKA before and high blood sugars scare me a lot, even though I don't let on. Part of the reason I have been running high is because I was on my period and it happens but never usually this bad. On Sunday the 1st of this month I had to change my cannula, and I had a very scary experience with that too. As I took it out, I started to bleed and I have bled before but this was completely different, I was pouring blood and it wouldn't stop. I was laughing at first then I started to cry and panic and I didn't have my insulin pump connected to me at this point either so you can imaging the stress and panic going on in this situation. Thankfully the bleeding stopped after applying a lot of pressure onto it and going through a fair amount of tissues, there was so much blood.

My site where my cannula was has bruised and is yellow and it just looks really ugly. I am starting to get anxious when I have to go out incase my sugars are too high or too low and I can't sort them out. lifes just been pretty hard right now for me and diabetes. I have been missing out on things I should be doing but it can't be helped and unfortunately this is my way of coping with what it going on in my life right now.

The main reason I am writing this, is to share my experience and to just get the message out there to check your sites and change them regular, Also if you feel something is wrong with your site change it straight away because if he insulin isn't going through properly, you're going to run high and be at risk 

Thanks for reading guys, Becciixoxo

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