Thursday 5 May 2016

Feeling alone - Diabetes blog

Recently, I have been feeling very, very alone. I have no friends that are diabetic, no family that can relate to how I am feeling and how I am not coping too well right now. It's hard. Even friends that don't suffer with this condition won't understand on the same level as another person with diabetes would. I am grateful for the people that are still in my life that are here too stay and here too support me, I would like some more friends though. I would like to be treated 'normal' not like I am fragile.

It is such a big world out there, and yet I feel so alone on this journey that will never end. I hope one day I will find a friend that shares my struggles and understands what I am going through so I can help support them and vise versa, If you're a diabetic struggling with feeling lonely, please feel free to contact me, I don't bite.


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